With our skills and digital technology, combined with participatory process, we have handled, organized and managed knowledge from diverse fields such as climate change, art, history, culture, tourism and many more.

StoryCycle is a unique approach of storytelling and finding issues that is already prevalent in many societies with the help of use of modern tools such as multimedia, technology and appreciative inquiry.

Over the past 12 years, we have gathered experience in producing various kinds of videos including research videos, training videos, informational videos, for clients in development and corporate sectors.

Our Approach

Multimedia Storytelling

“The way we experience story will evolve, but as storytelling animals, we will no more give it up than start walking on all fours.” Jonathan Gottschall

Digital Tools & Technology

“The last ten years of IT have been about changing the way people work. The next ten years of IT will be about transforming your business.” Aaron Levie


Here are some of the project and campaigns we have undertaken under Knowledge Management, Tools and Technologies.

Heritage at Night

Kathmandu Valley and Janakpur  by Night is a visionary initiative undertaken as part of the Visit Nepal 2020 campaign, to help promote the tourism industry of Nepal in a contemporary way.




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Farm to Home Tracking System






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Christian Aid – Uplifling Lives






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Changing Face of Cooking in Nepal – Documentary




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